From the Gnomer Underground -
Ridiculed as troll like little trouble makers, laughed at by the
small minded majority, the misGnomer about Gnomes continues and the Gnomers are here to stop the madness.
Countless Gnomes live in gardens around the world. For too
long we have let our neighbors usurp the rights of these gentle woodland creatures.
Gnomers are here, leading average lives as productive citizens.
They live among the populas while secretly leading a revolution, well not really a revolution, more like an incursion, well
maybe not an incursion, more like a rescue worker who does not have government support or a shiny truck with lights or a place
to gather with comrades and cook chili.
Within these webpages you will find a plethora of stuff that will leave you shaking your head.
That's right, be prepared to face your fears from far and wide, without any forethought of fanfare or facination of financial
fulfillment for the future. Sorry.